Polly Ranch Homeowners Association Maintenance Fee Information
All lot owners in the Polly Ranch subdivision have agreed to pay a yearly fee, referred to as "Maintenance Fees". This agreement is made at the time of sale and is binding on all lot owners. This fee is used for general maintenance & upkeep of the neighborhood. Examples of substantial neighborhood improvements made with these fees include our front entrance relandscaping projects (2001, 2021), and our Polly Ranch Park Play Equipment (2002). The association board is committed to spending these resources carefully, and providing maximum return to the homeowner for their maintenance payment.
How much does it cost?
The annual fee assessed for each lot is $100 per year as of 2022. If you have 2 lots, your yearly fee is $200, if you have 1 & one-half lots (many of our homeowners do) your yearly fee is $150.00
When is payment due?
Payment is due July 1 of every year. We honor a 30-day grace period to August 1, at which point a one-time late fee of $15 is applied as well as penalty of 6% annual interest assessed on the overdue balance at each billing cycle.
How do I pay my fee?
The Board seeks to make the payment of maintenance fees as easy as possible, both for the homeowners and the volunteer treasurer. At the current time there are three options:
Mail a paper check to "Polly Ranch Homeowners Association" including your name and the property address for the lot(s) being paid.
The Polly Ranch Homeowners Association
PO Box 161
Friendswood, TX 77549-0161
Use online "Bill Pay" to have your bank mail a paper check to "Polly Ranch Homeowners Association" including your name and the property address for the lot(s) being paid.
Use Google Pay to send your fee to pollyranchtreasurer@gmail.com
Will I receive a notice?
We normally send 1 notice to each lot owner, sometime in June every year, preferably via email but via snail mail if there is no email address on record. Those lot owners failing to send any payment by Aug 1, will be sent late notices.